Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Doggie Toys

Our dog Nike isn't into tackling stuffed animals and ripping them apart. As a mix of Border Collie and Australian Cattle Dog, he likes having a job. At the park, that means catching the frisbee or ball and bringing it to the shade. Did you catch that part? He brings his toys to the closest patch of shade.

This means that we've gone through our fare share of frisbees and you know which one has won us over? This one from PetSmart.

We bought four of these at the store for a dollar each since we've been at the park so much. I'm really liking them so far. They are durable (better than the free ones from fairs that crack from Nike's teeth after two catches), and fly quite well (better than the $10 plus discs that are consequentially heavy and don't float for long enough). The lip is also shorter than other discs out there, which is more comfortable for dogs than other kinds we have tried before. I also love the color. Not bad, dollar bin, not bad.
Frisbee via PetSmart

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